Another Day of Workout

I’ve started a new type of workout specifically for fasting days to help me finish them strong.

Fat Fit
2 min readSep 30, 2024
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This is only the second time I’ve used this routine, but I first tried it on a day when my knee was hurting. That day turned out great — I didn’t end up feeling like a rag. So, I decided to test it out more often.

The Workout

Nothing too fancy here, just some adjustments to the reps and sets. Here’s what it looks like:

  • 75 Jumping Jacks.
  • Stretching: hips, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.
  • 3 Forward folds to backbends (I couldn’t find the exact names of these exercises).
  • 15 Squats.
  • 35 High Knees.
  • 35 Leg swings (back and forth) — I picked this up from a Tai Chi video.

I ran through this routine twice. Then, I switched over to my old session format:

  • 4 sets of 15 push-ups.
  • 5 sets of one-minute Kegels.
  • Walking.

It wasn’t supposed to end there, but I got distracted by YouTube, watched a few videos, and lost the momentum for a while. It didn’t take long, but it definitely broke the flow.

Is It a Morning Workout?

Yes, of course! I’ve fully switched back to working out in the morning. I’m officially a morning guy again.

What About Diet?

Please don’t ask — it’s been all over the place lately! Since our second child arrived, we’ve had lots of relatives visiting us. That means preparing lunches or dinners, sometimes both. We make sweets, the table is loaded with dishes, and honestly, it’s chaotic. Hospitality in our country, or this side of the world, isn’t exactly healthy in the long run 😅. It’s a great time, but definitely not great for maintaining a solid diet. You have to celebrate with your guests, eat with them so they don’t feel shy. If it’s dinner, you have to keep them company until they leave.

What Did I Eat Yesterday?

I was fasting, just like today. For iftar, I had homemade tacos, soup, French fries, and fried meat. Later in the evening, around 20:30, we had cake, tea, sweets, and dessert. I also ate two apples and a quarter of a pomegranate.

It Was Full of Sugar

Yeah, it was definitely a sugar-loaded meal! But surprisingly, it didn’t affect me negatively. I woke up feeling super relaxed and energized. I’m starting to think tea had something to do with it. I’ll test this theory again, and if tea really is the magic, I’m never quitting it!



Fat Fit

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