Another Day of Workout in the Light

I feel enlightened for the second day in a row.

Fat Fit
3 min readSep 12, 2024
Light going thorugh glass bricks of my hope stairs.

Today was another workout under the first threads of sunlight, and the feeling was just as mesmerizing as yesterday. I missed this sense of peace and fulfillment for the past few months. As I mentioned in my last post, this realization hit me when I saw the sunrise through the glass bricks on my home stairs. It was a reminder of how much light and environment impact my energy.

Why Though?

Lately, I’ve been buried in work for my first client since quitting my job. I’ve been working day and night, but somehow, I never managed to push beyond two hours of focused work at a time. Life has been hitting me hard, not giving me room to breathe.

As Muslims, we believe that hardships come to us because of our deeds. We also believe that every hardship is a form of divine mercy from God, meant to cleanse us and prepare us for a better life in the hereafter. To gain the blessings from these hardships, one must remain patient and thankful to God for His divine tests.

Honestly, this belief is what has gotten me through everything over the past few months — and I’m still going through some of it as I write this. Financially and career-wise, I feel like I’m at the lowest point of my life. Yet, I’m filled with gratitude, passion, and hope.

Finding Balance

My brother and I often debate the idea of balance: having a routine versus pushing yourself to extremes to chase goals. He frequently sends me quotes from well-known figures like Paul Graham (since we’re both software engineers). Lately, I’ve started to lean toward his way of thinking. But from my own experience, especially comparing when I was financially stable to now, I realize I need a certain balance between work and life to function.

Here’s what I need to stay grounded:

  • Sleep: I need at least three to four hours of sleep at night. I usually sleep from 22:00 to 3:00, as 3:00 is the perfect time for me to wake up. In the summer, I pushed it to 2:30, but that didn’t help much.
  • Exercise: I need to work out early in the morning or at least move during the day if I miss my workout. I’m often stuck at my desk for the entire day, so moving is crucial for my well-being.
  • Fasting and Eating: I fast every other day. On my non-fasting days, I ensure I have at least one meal to stay nourished and balanced.
  • Family Time: Even if it’s just sitting with my family for 20 minutes, I make time for them. Usually, I have a meal with them and sleep next to them, which helps me feel balanced.
  • Prayer: As a Muslim, praying five times a day is a core part of my routine. I take about 15 minutes to prepare before each prayer and stay in my prayer spot for seven minutes after finishing, just to escape the chaos of life for a moment.

Keep On Going

The other day, I watched The Primeagen give a speech at Laracon (a Laravel conference), where he shared his journey in programming and software engineering. He said something that stuck with me — paraphrased: “Keep on going, keep trying…” I also watch shorts from Chris Williamson’s podcast. One quote that really hit me was about consistency: “Consistency doesn’t guarantee success. But not being consistent will guarantee that you won’t reach success.”


When I pass my original posts to ChatGPT and ask him to address logical gaps and improving the flow while keeping the tone close to my style of writing. He usually adds this as a bonus, and I started to love these takeaways. I feel like philosopher spewing wisdom 😅.

  • Consistency and routine are crucial for long-term success, but life’s hardships can disrupt even the best habits.
  • Maintaining balance between work, health, family, and faith can keep you grounded during tough times.
  • Hardships, when approached with patience and gratitude, can lead to personal growth and greater resilience.
  • Simple moments like sunlight or family meals can restore energy and motivation when life feels overwhelming.



Fat Fit

🏋️‍♂️ Fitness journey sharer | Fat Fit Club founder | Let's achieve wellness together 💪 #Fitness #Wellness