Jumping Jacks: First Encounter with a Full Body Exercise
The post with most reads on this blog is the Open reference for workout exercises. I wrote that post to keep track of my exercises and use the terms without explaining myself each time I share my workout updates. At the end it ended with only one exercise which is “Biceps Pushp” but the right way. So, I decided to write about all the exercises I know or had experience with and share my journey with them to test the posting strategy and find the right time for the important posts.
Jumping Jacks
In a nutshell, when you do it or perform this exercise. You look like someone welcoming his loved one with excitement. You wave with both arms. Going from wide open to close on top of your head. While matching your legs and jumping between the two states.
Going from start to end position count as one. You continue doing that while jumping between the two stances and count when return to the initial or start position.
First encounter
I learned how to do sport or any kind of exercises at school. We watched some anime back in the day and they have sport events since they are Japanese. But when I exercised for real was at the Karate gym. The sensei there never did jump jacks from what I remember. Moving forward to when I started my professional career. Like mentioned somewhere in this blog, I stopped exercising for a year. After reaching some serious overweight numbers. I started exercising. The seven minutes workout was the first application I used, and it starts with the Jumping Jacks move. From that day, I never omitted it from my daily workouts.
Of course, like other exercises, you can make it easier or harder based on your level of fitness. I usually do the standard one. You can add more speed to you moves or jumping higher to make it harder for you. I tried that sometimes, but it only shortens your time during the exercise, and most of the time, it will make the resting session longer. You can check on the variations of this exercise in the links below.
The lower Jumping Jacks
I think they call it Squat Jumping Jacks. It has the same form as the normal one. However, when you take your legs apart you continue to a squat position. It seems easy and you compare it immediately with a jumping squat. Until you perform it. You find out that your knees can’t handle the positions with the intense moving happening beforehand. I hurt my knees two or three times trying to do it. Even though I think I can do it now without problems, I can’t find the courage to try honestly.